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不太知道 我只知道里面有4个版本 找到了 08季后赛的宣传片 只找到其中一个 http://v.ku6.com/show/RmGsnq-aEoo24wnW.html 我记得还有 CP3 和魔兽 还有其他的两组


http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=304605913 NBA最新煽情宣传短片“Where amazing happens”系列 http://www.***.com/programs/view/XLO1FDF-oIM/ 解说Where anticipation happens. 见证预判之地 Where 81 points happens. 见证81分之地 Where afro happens. 见证爆炸头之地 Where never meant to happen happens. 见证不可思议之地 Where 长城 happens. 见证长城之地 Where tomorrow happens. 见证明日之地 Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地 视频: http://www.***.com/programs/view/1w5fh9wgu2A/ Where immovable happens. 见证纹丝不动之地 Where discussion happens. 见证争论之地 Where bloody nose happens. 见证血鼻之地 Where regret happens. 见证悔恨之地 Where short shorts happened. 见证短裤之地 Where commitment happens. 见证承诺之地 Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地 视频: http://www.***.com/programs/view/Sm3yV2ozoI8/ Where heart happens. 见证勇敢的心之地 Where friends becoming foes happens. 见证兄弟反目之地 Where are you kidding me happens. 见证“你在开玩笑吗”之地 Where 1.3 seconds left happens. 见证还剩1.3秒之地 Where nowhere to hide happens. 见证无处可藏之地 Where good luck next round happens. 见证下一轮好运之地 Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地 钢琴曲介绍【☆Hero Ai★】 一段钢琴曲演绎NBA无数个神奇 新宣传片为改变形象 http://hi.baidu.com/youyuliubing/blog/item/645a3438bb05e820b8998fe8.html


希望对您有所帮助 谢谢 http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=long+long+way+to+go&t=2这是试听地址 Long long way to go中文歌词——畅想式 You held my hand and then you slipped awayz 瞬间感觉不到你手臂的温度(你握着我的手又突然松开) And I may never see your face again 也许是必须面对的别离(我可能再也见不到你的脸 So tell me how do to fill the emptiness inside 请教我如何粉饰单调心(告诉我怎样充实内心的空虚) Without love, what is life? 没有爱的抚慰,生命一无所有(没有了爱,生活是什么?) And anyone who knew us both can see 每一个了解我们的人都知道 We always were the better part of me 二种生活会凝华为一段幸福(我们一直都是最合适的 I never wanted to be this free 我对自由的狂热也无法制止我(我根本不想要这样的自由 ) All this pain, does it go away? 隐藏着痛苦的迷雾何时散去?(这所有的痛苦,会消失吗? ) Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 ) And you’re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你) I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前) Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前 To you , to you... 对你说... From memory, there is no hiding place 翻开尘封的记忆,思维无法伫足(记忆中,我无处可躲) Turn on the tv and I see you there 银幕上舞动着你的身影(打开电视也看到你) In every crowd there’s always someone with your face 街市中嗅到你的幽香(人群中总有人和你相象) Everywhere, trying not to care 忧愁时尝试淡忘(每次都试着不去在意 ) Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 ) And you’re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你) I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前) Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前 To you,I wish you everythin' 虔诚的为你祈祷(对于你,我祝福你的一切) And all the best that life can bring 上帝和撒旦都会为你俯首(但愿生活把一切最好的都给你) I only hope you think of me sometimes,oh 仅仅乞求在某时你对我的思念(我只是希望你有时会想想我) And even through I feel the pain 即使泪水阻隔了视线(尽管现在我感到伤痛) I know that I will love again 我也不会放弃对你的深情(但我知道我会重新踏上爱的旅程 ) The time will come ,oh, and I'll move on 不管这种希望多吗渺茫,我更会拼尽全力(这一刻将来到,而我也将继续前行 )

4谁知道今天nba直播中 科比精彩镜头短片中的歌曲

是不是back at one! Back at One 歌手:BRIAN MCKNIGHT 专辑:Back at One And More Back at One It's undeniable that we should be together It's unbelievable, how I use to say that I'd fall never The basis is need to know If you don't know just how I feel Then let me show you now that I'm for real If all things in time, time will i reveal yeah one,You're like a dream come true two, just wanna be with you three, girl it's plain to see that you're the only one for me four, repeat steps one tru three five, make you fall in love with me if ever I believe my work is done Then I'll start back at one yeah It's so incredible, the way things work themselves out And all emotional, once you know what it's all about, eh And Undesirable, for us to be apart I never would have made it very far Cause you know you've got the keys to my heart one,You're like a dream come true two, just wanna be with you three, girl it's plain to see that you're the only one for me four, repeat steps one tru three five, make you fall in love with me if ever I believe my work is done Then I'll start back at one yeah Say farewell to the darkened night I see the coming of the sun I feel like a little child, Whose life has just begun. You came and breathed new life into this lonely heart of mine You threw out the life line Just in the nick of time one,You're like a dream come true two, just wanna be with you three, girl it's plain to see that you're the only one for me four, repeat steps one tru three five, make you fall in love with me if ever I believe my work is done Then I'll start back at one yeah 楼上的是 Dilemma 歌手:Nelly(Ft.Kelly Rowland) 专辑:Nellyville Nelly(Ft.Kelly Rowland) -Dilemma I.. love you, and I.. need you Nelly I.. love you, I do.. neeeeed you - but No matter what I do, all I think about is you Even when I'm with my boo, Know you know I'm crazy over you No matter what I do, all I think about is you Even when I'm with my boo, y'know I'm crazy over you I met this chick and she just moved right up the block from me And uhh, she got the hots for me the finest thing my hood done seen But oh no, oh no, she gotta a man And a son, doh'ohhh, but that's okay Cause I, wait for my cue and just listen, play my position Like a shortstop, pick up e'rything mami hittin And in no time.. (no time) I.. I plan to make this wah-one mi-i-ne.. and that's for sure Cause I, I never been the type to, break up a happy home But uh, there's something bout baby girl I just can't leave alone So tell me ma what's it gonna be? She said You don't know what you mean to me I see a lot and you look and I never say a word I know how niggaz start acting tripping out here about they girls And there's no way-ayy-hey, Nelly gon' fight over No day-hey-ame.. as you can see But I, I like your steez, your style, your whole demeanor The way you come through and holla and swoop me in his 2-seater Now that's gangstah-ah-ahhh.. And I got special ways to thank yah-ah-ahhh.. don't you forget it But uh, it ain't that easy for you to pack and leave him But uh, you and dirty got ties for different reasons I respect that and right before I turn to leave, she said Sing it for me K Nelly I.. love you, I do.. (c'mon girl) And it's more than you'll.. ever know But.. it's fo'sho You can always count on my love Foreveeeeer more, yeahh-yeahh.. East coast, I know you shaking right Down South, I know you bouncing right West coast, I know you walking right, cause Midwest, I see you swinging right No matter what I do, all I think about is you East coast, you still shaking right West coast, I know you walking right Midwest, I see you swing it right East coast, you still shaking right Down South, I see you bouncing right 好像没有one two, three吖~~


Where anticipation happens. 见证预判之地 Where 81 points happens. 见证81分之地 Where afro happens. 见证爆炸头之地 Where never meant to happen happens. 见证不可思议之地 Where 长城 happens. 见证长城之地 Where tomorrow happens. 见证明日之地 Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地 Where immovable happens. 见证纹丝不动之地 Where discussion happens. 见证争论之地 Where bloody nose happens. 见证血鼻之地 Where regret happens. 见证悔恨之地 Where short shorts happened. 见证短裤之地 Where commitment happens. 见证承诺之地 Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地 Where heart happens. 见证勇敢的心之地 Where friends becoming foes happens. 见证兄弟反目之地 Where are you kidding me happens. 见证“你在开玩笑吗”之地 Where 1.3 seconds left happens. 见证还剩1.3秒之地 Where nowhere to hide happens. 见证无处可藏之地 Where good luck next round happens. 见证下一轮好运之地 Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地


NBA09-10赛季开场片 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/FXItkN5qzf4/isRenhe=1 背景音乐是i will not bow,劲爆体育经常播的歌。 地址: http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=i+will+not+bow&lm=-1


姚明的<姚明年>(The Year of the Yao)... 还有乔丹的动画片<空中大灌篮>...里面除了乔丹,还有伯德、尤因等80年代就成名的球星 还有<像乔丹一样>,尽管题目明显涉及到飞人迈克尔·乔丹的大名,但他本人却未能参加影片演出,可片中NBA全明星阵容依然能令球迷目瞪口呆。在参演的名单中,包括76人的阿伦·艾弗森、圣安东尼奥马剌的大卫·罗宾逊这样的天皇巨星,以及贾森·基德、迈克尔·芬利、克里斯·韦伯、加里·佩顿、纳什、诺维斯基、迈克格雷迪、莫宁等腕级巨星。 还有雷·阿伦,他在加拿大拍了一部电影<他赢得了比赛>(He got Game)...其中有大鲨鱼奥尼尔客串。(简介在下) 纽约尼克斯队的休斯顿,他演过电影<白与黑>,这是他和本·斯泰拉以及超级名模克劳迪亚·希弗联合主演的影片... 大鲨鱼奥尼尔有三部电影<精灵也疯狂>(Kazaam)、<蓝色薯片>(BlueChips)和<他赢得了比赛>(He got Game)...其中<精灵也疯狂>和篮球无关... <蓝色薯片>讲述了篮球教练酸甜苦辣的故事,在片中还有前步行者队教练鲍伯·赖特以及湖人队的元老库西,其中库西在影片中还有投篮的表演,风采不减当年。 而<他赢得了比赛>中雷·阿伦扮演一个篮球运动员,是戏中的男主角。影片讲述了一个小岛上的篮球天才高中毕业后选择大学的苦恼。由于他天赋非常高,所有大学都希望录取他,为此怀着各种利益、动机的人们都想拉拢他,和他套近乎。他的女朋友则把他推给所谓的经纪人,让他不要读大学直接加盟职业联赛,把他当成一部开足马力的“印钞机”。他的高中篮球教练也因为利益驱动用数目庞大的现金诱惑他,甚至他在监狱的父亲也因此被“假释”一个星期,目的就是为了游说儿子读总督的母校。总之,形形色色的人物穿插期间。 还有<疯狂总教练>主演:胡比·戈德堡(Whoopi Goldberg)其中有很多NBA明星,但都是配角...


光荣之路 这部电影很经典,讲述NBA名人堂传奇教练以及黑人球员发展之艰辛历程。看了几遍,很感动。一个人的成功,浓缩在一部电影当中,经典!