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Spain Are Top of the World Spain prove themselves to be the best in the world, bringing the trophy home for the first time in their history.Spain have become World Champions for the first time as they overcame the Netherlands 1-0 in Soccer City, Johannesburg.The Netherlands played an aggressive 攻击性的 game which seemed to nullify 抵消 Spain's passing supremacy 霸主地位。However, they failed to seal a victory, with Dutch forward Arjen Robben missing a couple of chances to score.The winning goal came from Andres Iniesta in the 26th minute of extra time. After scoring he tore off his shirt to reveal a handwritten note scrawled 潦草涂写 on his vest - "Dani Jarque: Siempre con Nosotros" which means "Dani Jarque: Always with Us".I wanted to carry Dani Jarque with me and with my other team-mates. We wanted to feel his strength. We wanted to pay tribute to him in the world of football.Andres Iniesta, Spanish midfielderDani Jarque was a friend and team-mate of Iniesta's in the Spanish junior side. He died of a heart attack at the age of 26 last year.Iniesta's tribute 贡献 resulted in him getting a yellow card, since players are not allowed to remove their shirts during the game.That was just one of fourteen yellow cards awarded by the referee Howard Webb in a match that also saw Dutch defender Johnny Heitinga get sent off 被罚出场。In one shocking incident, which perhaps Webb did not see clearly, Netherlands midfielder Nigel De Jong performed a kung fu 功夫 style tackle on Xabi Alonso.We made a real game out of it and we had two great chances through Arjen [Robben].Bert van Marwijk, Netherlands coachAfter the match the Dutch coach Bert van Marwijk defended his team's playing style. When he says that they "made a real game out of it" he means that they made it difficult for Spain to win.The Spanish coach Vicente del Bosque also paid tribute to the runners-up 亚军, saying "They made it very difficult for us to play comfortably". But of course, he saved his warmest comments for his own team, saying "I think our effort, our flair 才华,is never-ending".Spain had a shaky start 不稳定的开始 to their World Cup campaign, losing their first match 1-0 to Switzerland. But they quickly found their form 找到了状态 and only conceded one further goal throughout the whole of the tournament.Spain in 2010 will be remembered more for their fluid 流畅的 passing than for a torrent 连续不断的 of goals. They won the tournament with the fewest goals ever – just eight in seven games.But fans in Barcelona and Madrid don't care about that. As del Bosque put it, "This goes beyond sport. We have to celebrate and are delighted to be able to offer this victory to all the people of Spain."




2、巴西国家队是夺得世界杯冠军最多的球队,并且在3夺世界杯后永久地保留了前任世界杯冠军奖杯雷米特杯。现代足球发源地为英格兰,其代表队在1966年首夺世界杯。而现在的世界杯奖杯是大力神杯,由4夺世界杯冠军的德国在1974年首次捧杯并一直沿用。2002年韩日世界杯,中国国家队首次晋级世界杯决赛圈 。










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我这有一些文字资料,你自己把它编辑成小报,你自己再找些图片。我推荐个网站给你: www.***.com 上海世博会中国馆位于世博会规划核心区,处于世博会园区浦东区域主入突出位置。规划中的中国馆由建筑面积为2万平方米的中国国家馆、3万平方米的国地区馆以及3000平方米的港澳台馆三部分组成。在世博会举办期间,中国馆是上海世博会主题演绎的主要展示区和重要载体。 中国馆建筑外观以“东方之冠”的构思主题,表达中国文化的精神与气质。国家馆居中升起、层叠出挑,成为凝聚中国元素、象征中国精神的 雕塑感造型主体--东方之冠;地区馆水平展开,以舒展的平台基座的形态映衬国家馆,成为开放、柔性、亲民、层次丰富的城市广场;二者互为对仗、互相补充,共同组成表达盛世大国主题的统一整体。 英国馆主题和方案 2007年9月21日,中国2010年上海世博会英国馆设计方案正式揭晓。 主题:“创意之馆” 造型亮点:“会发 光的盒子” 展馆位置:世博园 区C片区 丹麦馆主题和方案 2008年9月9日,中国2010年上海世博会丹麦馆设计方案正式揭晓。 主题:“幸福生活,童话乐园” 造型亮点:环形轨道 德国馆主题和方案 2008年5月22日,中国2010年上海世博会德国馆设计方案正式揭晓。 主题:“和谐城市”造型亮点:展馆四面呈开放状,其建筑设计给人轻盈、飘逸的感觉 展馆位置:世博园区C片区


上海世博会中国馆位于世博会规划核心区,处于世博会园区浦东区域主入突出位置。规划中的中国馆由建筑面积为2万平方米的中国国家馆、3万平方米的国地区馆以及3000平方米的港澳台馆三部分组成。在世博会举办期间,中国馆是上海世博会主题演绎的主要展示区和重要载体。 中国馆建筑外观以“东方之冠”的构思主题,表达中国文化的精神与气质。国家馆居中升起、层叠出挑,成为凝聚中国元素、象征中国精神的 雕塑感造型主体--东方之冠;地区馆水平展开,以舒展的平台基座的形态映衬国家馆,成为开放、柔性、亲民、层次丰富的城市广场;二者互为对仗、互相补充,共同组成表达盛世大国主题的统一整体。


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